Integrated marketing communication: an empirical analysis from the perspective of the young consumer





communication, consumer, marketing, segmentation


The objective of this article is to categorize the elements of integrated marketing communication, according to the assessments given by university students from Villavicencio - Colombia and Coatzacoalcos - Mexico. This is a quantitative study, whose hypothesis was contrasted with a sample of 1591 individuals. The data were processed using SPSS version 18 software. Based on the general concept of Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC), the variables are studied: direct marketing, sales promotion, public relations, advertising and online marketing. In addition, a comparative study was conducted based on the variables gender, age and country of origin. The results indicate that only the country of origin variable presents differences in attitudes towards integrated marketing communication tools among young people in Villavicencio and Coatzacoalcos. On the contrary, it is determined that gender and age variables do not influence young consumers’ attitudes towards marketing communications. This work contributes to the advancement of research on consumer behavior, as well as generating some implications that favor decision-making in the commercial area.


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How to Cite

Integrated marketing communication: an empirical analysis from the perspective of the young consumer. (2019). Criterio Libre, 17(31), 321-336.