Assessment of the concept of value from a consumer perspective in marketing and design: a conceptual revision


  • Claudia Marcela Correa Malagón Universidad Nacional
  • Edison Jair Duque Oliva



Marketing, design, value, consumer


From a descriptive and reflexive perspective, this article seeks to characterize, classify and analyze the concept of value in marketing and design, identifying their elements in common and differences and those that do not consider their interrelationship and importance. First, there is an approach to the concept of value, then an exploration of the same from both disciplines, identifying the main conceptual pillars to compare them and analyze them as a whole. In conclusion it was determined that the characterization, identification and classification of the concept of value contributes enormously to the research of value in both areas and that the gap between these concepts comes from conceptual differences and especially from the importance given to each one.


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How to Cite

Assessment of the concept of value from a consumer perspective in marketing and design: a conceptual revision. (2017). Criterio Libre, 10(17), 193-216.