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State of the Art of the Application of GTC-ISO 26000, GTC-ISO 18091 Standards and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)




Social responsibility, sustainable development, quality


Entities worldwide have been immersed in negative factors in their economic, administrative, production, and financial operations due to the poor execution of their tasks, procedures, and controls to each of these, leading to the search for alternatives that mitigate the impact in the short term, medium and long term that meet the demands of the current market without exposing the skills of future generations, guaranteeing a competitive advantage in favor of the strategic achievement proposed in the 2030 Agenda by the UN General Assembly (UN, 2021).

This research article presents as its object, the design of the state of the art of the applicability of ISO 26000, GTC-ISO 18091 standards, and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) at the national and international level, which will allow determining the structural characteristics, its use, differences, similarities, and its main advantages that local governments can afford to generate against an efficient implementation, addressing the main and potential problems, to this end, to improve the business in its various categories.

For the documentary execution of the state of the art, a qualitative documentary methodology of a descriptive nature was used, oriented to the search, compilation, observation, criticism, and interpretation of primary and secondary sources, which are based on a literature review related to the application of the standards. ISO 26000, ISO 18091 in local governments, and that the exploration of sustainable development objectives was carried out similarly, addressing economic, environmental, and social aspects.

The results of the information analysis reflected that ISO standards allow local governments to function optimally, ensuring products and/or services with the highest quality models, satisfying the needs and expectations demanded by consumers and/or end customers, which will help meet the sustainable development goals (SDGs).


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Author Biographies

  • Jhoan Sebastián Romero Pulido, BANCO CORPBANCA COLOMBIA S.A.

    Master of Administration - MBA (c). Business administrator. Organizational Strategy Research Line, GAIA Research Group. Line of research quality and integral management - GEAMEC research group, Santo Tomas University, Bogotá, Colombia. Email:, - ORCID:; CvLAC:; Google Scholar:

  • Helga Ofelia Dworaczek Conde, Universidad Santo Tomas

    Master in government and public policy, a specialist in Financial Administration, Specialist in University Teaching, Candidate for a doctorate in administration from the University of Celaya Mexico, International Relations. Director of the Master of Administration MBA, Universidad Santo Tomás Colombia. Email: - CvLAC:;  ORCID:; Google Scholar:

  • Hernando Camacho Camacho, Universidad Santo Tomas

    Master in teaching and research, a specialist in Business Administration, a Specialist in University Teaching, and Metallurgical engineering. Research Leader of the USTA-ICONTEC agreement. GEAMEC research group, Santo Tomás University Colombia. Email: - Orcid:;  CvLAC:; Google Scholar:

  • Ma. Lucila Aguilar Zacarías, Educación Superior de Celaya A.C.

    PhD in Administration - Business School, University of Celaya (Mexico), Master's Degree in Administration - Business School, University of Celaya (Mexico), Guest Professor at the School of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Autonomous University of Colombia, Administrative Coordinator Doctorate in Administration at the Business School of the University of Celaya (Mexico), Counselor of the Comprehensive Citizen Observatory of Celaya (Mexico), email: CvLAC:, ORCID: https://


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How to Cite

State of the Art of the Application of GTC-ISO 26000, GTC-ISO 18091 Standards and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). (2022). Verba Luris, 48, 47-64.

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