Cross analysis of professor – student evaluations and the level of sincerity: a statistical approach.
hetero-evaluation, quality education, sincerity, cross analysis, statistical analysis, personality, valuesAbstract
In this article, the topic of Teacher Hetero evaluation is addressed. The objective is to analyze whether the relationship of Teacher Hetero evaluation is congruent with values and sincerity of students. This academic research is Descriptive and has been done through a Quantitative Approach. The following instruments are used: Hetero-evaluation, Student’s grades, Number of Students, Number of Fails, Fail Rate, Time Period and Subjects, as well as a Values Test. A statistical approach was performed, which includes hypothesis testing, correlations, significant differences and dependency tests. Some of the results show that teacher Heteroevaluations increase as Students grades increase as well. Moreover, there is statistical evidence that explains how number of students failing a course affects negatively Teacher Evaluation Score. Results from Study of Values Test indicate that students register low scores of Religious Value and with a high degree of Economic Value. This evidence may be harmful for the development of transcendental values such as sincerity and honesty. Therefore, Hetero evaluation could be distorted due to fragility of students’ personality.
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