Considerations and Dogmatic Analysis of the Crime of Animal Abuse in Colombia in Light of Law 1774 of 2016 and the Rethinking of the Structural Elements of the Type
Animal abuse, animal law, Criminal law, legal good, ColombiaAbstract
In this context, the object of this work is to carry out an analysis of the different theories proposed by the doctrine when determining the legal and social advances regarding the status of the animal, identifying the legal asset to be protected through the classification of the conduct punishable by animal abuse, as well as the criticism that these approaches have generated from doctrinal sectors contrary to them. To this end, the hypotheses raised by different authors with an impact on the matter will be analyzed, as well as some statements by national courts through their rulings.
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- 2025-02-11 (2)
- 2024-02-12 (1)
Copyright (c) 2024 Brajim Beetar-Bechara, David Sandoval-Meléndez, Georgina Isabel De-León-Vargas

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