Instruments that measure the quality of work life of human talent in health: integrative review
Quality of life, work, health personnel, health workers, health care provider, scale, questionnairesAbstract
Objectives: To Identify instruments that are used to measure the Quality of Work Life (QWL) of the Human Talent in Health (HTH). and To Describe the characteristics of the instruments regarding use, size, components, and original language.
Methods: The literature between 2009 and 2019 was reviewed looking for studies that reported the measurement of the CVL of HRT in different work settings and / or the psychometric properties of the instruments they used, retrieved from available databases PUBMED, OVID, Global Health, EMBASE, LILACS, Open Gray and IBECS. Use of Russell guidelines and PRISMA 2009 criteria.
Results: 575 articles were identified, 22 were selected that meet the eligibility criteria adapted from STROBE. The search equations were constructed from normalized terms with MeSH, Decs and Emtree thesauri using natural language words in title and abstract fields; some terms used were quality of life, surveys, questlionnaires, scale and healt personnel. The instruments found in these investigations were the Professional Quality of Life Scale (73%), Quality of Nursing Work Life (13.5%), Work-Related Quality of Life Scale-2 (4.5%), Spanish Quality of Professional Life Questionnaire (4.5%) and GOHISALO Quality of Life at Work (4.5%).
Conclusions: In this study, 5 instruments were found; they are composed with different number of items. The instruments are organized in subscales that express the multidimensionality of the QWL, construct designed from different concepts and theories that measure QWL of the HTH. The ProQoL is the most widely used instrument in the research reviewed
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