Low back pain research carried out in the postgraduate programs of occupational health in the city of Cali Colombia, 2000 to 2011.
Low back pain, back pain, musculoskeletal disorders (MED), Ergonomic riskAbstract
Musculoskeletal disorders and chronic fatigue are central issues to consider in any business process. Low back pain is one of the 10 most important health problems in our country. The performed research in this area is particularly led by graduate programs and from them is convenient to perform systematic reviews.
Objective: Characterize the research on low back pain developed in the postgraduate programs of occupational health in the city of Cali, Colombia.
Methodology: Systematic review of research on low back pain that have been developed during the years 2000 to 2011 in the postgraduate programs of occupational health in Cali, Colombia.
Results: We included 13 studies on low back pain, made in four different graduate schools. Ninetytwo percent of them are descriptive and the rest are clinical trial studies. The top producing graduate schools are: Universidad del Valle (5) and Universidad Santiago de Cali (4). Seventy-seven percent of the research attributed low back pain to ergonomic reasons and 23% to psychosocial causes.
Conclusions: Most of the research is descriptive and do not consider psychosocial risk among the causes. Given the importance of low back pain as an occupational disease, the research rate found is very low for the number of graduate programs and the time window considered in this study.
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