Communication systems in a population with cerebral palsy
communication, cerebral palsy, rehabilitation, therapeutic tool, Augmentative communication systems, therapeutic strategies, speech therapyAbstract
Introduction: Cerebral palsy (CP) is a pathology of motor origin, caused by brain injury, which has a significant impact on the development of language comprehension and expression. It notably affects communication, showing on some occasions, restricted vocabulary, poor syntactic structuring, unintelligible speech and a totally reduced exploration of the environment. Augmentative and alternative communication systems are one of the therapeutic strategies used by professionals in speech therapy, thus contributing to the development of linguistic-communicative skills in this population.
Objective: This research characterizes, based on a literature review, the communication systems used as a therapeutic tool for the population diagnosed with CP.
Methods: this was done through a literature review, considering articles from the databases: Google Scholar, Pubmed , Scopus and VHL. 266 articles were filtered from a matrix of own authorship, which was refined taking into account the eligibility criteria proposed from the critical reading of the title, abstract and keywords; Finally, a sample of 20 articles is consolidated.
Results: The results are expressed through the distribution of sociodemographic, methodological and thematic variables of the research.
Conclusion: In general, the communication systems used in the last 10 years by speech-language pathologists in the population with cerebral palsy are mostly high-tech, evidencing the use of software-hardware, interface and voice-generating devices (SGD).
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