Current portrait of environmental health dimension in Colombia, based on decennial Health Plan 2012- 2021; Problems and challenges
Ambiental health, dimension, Colombia, decennial planAbstract
Public health, as a commitment to society, seeks an ideal in health. In order to achieve its objective, it proposes different models that include various actions that govern an entire territory. In Colombia, this involves ten-year health plans, understood as a social pact and a citizen mandate, which defines the action between the actors and the public, private, and community sectors. This should create conditions that guarantee comprehensive wellbeing and quality of life across the country, allowing the articulation of health in all public policies regarding human, economic, environmental and social development (1).
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- 2019-09-22 (3)
- 2021-06-23 (2)
- 2019-08-27 (1)
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