Feminine spirituality and reflexive modernization in women’s circles
Individualization, Reflexive modernization, Subjectivities, Women’s circles, Sociology of spiritualityAbstract
This article is the result of an investigation whose main objectives are to identify and analyze the uses and meanings of the concept of “spirituality” in three women’s circles in the city of Medellín. In order to achieve this, a qualitative methodology was used, based mainly on ethnographic observations of the monthly meetings held by these circles, as well as semi-structured interviews with sixteen women who participate in them. The results show that the uses and meanings that these persons give to spirituality are related to the search for referents other than those of patriarchy or Judeo-Christianity, as well as a quest of self-knowledge, contact with a “sacred self” and the review of attitudes and thoughts. It is concluded that “feminine spirituality” is a complex concept intended to guide the subjectivities of the participants in a new way. However, by emphasizing the autonomy and sacralization of women, this concept is a manifestation of the processes of individualization and reflexivity typical of late modernity.
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