Hand dissection and its theoretical-practical relationship in rehabilitation: a finding of an anatomical variation
Medical Education, Occupational therapy, Anatomy, Dissection, HandAbstract
Knowledge of the anatomy of the hand is a relevant element for the rehabilitation professional, as it allows him/her to provide a quality intervention to determine the appropriate and timely treatment from the moment of evaluation. Therefore, the aim of this article is to present a study on the anatomy of the hand, through a review of anatomy books and the dissection process. For its development, four phases were performed: initially, a theoretical study of the hand was carried out; then, a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) was designed to proceed with the dissection of the hand in a cadaver; finally, an anatomical variation was identified in the hand. As a result of the study, a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for the dissection technique of the human hand was obtained; photographic material was extracted as a pedagogical support for learning and identification of an anatomical variation in the first extensor compartment of the hand. It was thus possible to conclude that the study of the anatomy of the hand allows the application and/or redirection of both clinical and therapeutic treatments, which is why it becomes an important factor for the fulfillment of objectives and the optimal performance of the person in daily life activities.
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