Electromyographic analysis of trunk muscle activity during the Paralympic shot put
Athletes, Paralympics, Shot put, Electromyography, Trunk musclesAbstract
The stability of the pelvis and trunk, given by the activity of the muscles in the region, represents an important factor for the correct execution of the sports technique and the prevention of injuries in Paralympic throwers. The objective of this study was to analyze, through surface electromyography, the muscular activity of the rectus abdominis, external oblique of the abdomen and erector spinae, longuissimus and iliocostal bellies, during the shot put from a chair, in 4 Paralympic athletes (2 with lower limb injury and 2 with spinal cord injury). Electromyography showed variations in activation patterns, execution time and amplitude of the signal, according to the disability condition and the degree of trunk involvement. This allowed to have a more realistic panorama of the muscular actions during the sport gesture and the detection of improvement options for the athletes.
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