On suicide in health professionals and the importance of creating strategies from a holistic approach
Suicide, Depressive Disorder, Health Professionals, Doctors, Suicide Risk PreventionAbstract
This article analyzes and proposes solutions available for prevention, on the high frequency of attempted and committed suicide in the world, especially in Medical Staff, who have a higher suicide rate compared to other professions. Inquiring what are the main risk factors from the different biopsychosocial fields and how is the training of Health Sciences professionals, this requires a permanent analysis to respond to the social and economic demands of the healthcare world, which They are constantly changing. In a globalized world full of uncertainties and conflicts for health professionals, it is necessary to point out the problems that arise regarding the hypotheses of the stress chain in the workplace. The persistence of occupational stress is considered cumulative, such as Burnout syndrome or chronic fatigue, which is an important factor in the suicide rate in health professionals.
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