Analysis of organizational impact on the process of implementation of ERP Information Systems - Case Study


  • Sandra Cristina Riascos-Erazo
  • Víctor Hugo Arias-Cardona



ERP, Technology, Organizational Impact, Information Systems Implementation


The implementation of an information system is an activity that requires analysis and planning according to the impact that this activity may involve for the organization; In this sense, the main objective of this article is to present organizational impact generated during the process of implementing an information system -ERP taking as a case study company Comestibles SAS forward this process during the period 2013 - 2014. the research was conducted under a quantitative and qualitative approach, with the participation of 61 people involved in the process of implementation of the information system. Among the main results in organizational dimensions it may mention that the greatest positive impact is reflected at the level of the political dimension of the organization; however, in the economic, social and technological dimensions difficulties evidenced in the process that generated negative impacts; these results may be useful for companies with similar to the case study that decide to take on the challenge of implementing this type of ERP systems with all changes and risks involved at the organizational level features


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How to Cite

Analysis of organizational impact on the process of implementation of ERP Information Systems - Case Study. (2016). Entramado, 12(1), 284-302.

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