Organizational culture from its paradigms of study: an approach to the interpretative-symbolic perspective
Organizational culture, interpretation of cultures, organizational symbols, interpretative-symbolic paradigm, cultural dynamicsAbstract
The interpretative-symbolic perspective is one among many ways to interpret the cultural dynamics present within organizations. The literature reviewed in specialized data bases shows that this perspective’s main postulate is the interpretation of second order performed on organizational symbols in order to identify the surplus of meaning or what is commonly known as the sense of symbolic elements. It surpases the postulates of other paradigms of study related to the way in whoch values are materialized; and the interpretation of first order we give to basic postulations shared within organizations or what is commonly known as the literal meaning of symbolic elements. The end pursued by this paper is to embark the postulates and concepts about the interpretative-symbolic paradigm and present a model which gathers the elements regarded on the subject, thus facilitating the understanding and application of this perspective to future research and organizational analysis.
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