Mathematical model for the services planning and scheduling of routes on companies that offer services of pest control


  • John Willmer Escobar



Routes scheduling, travelling salesman problema, pest control, mathematical model, mixed linear and integer model


This paper addresses the problem of scheduling of services and planning of routes for companies which offer the service of pest control (CP) by considering the minimization of costs related to the distance traveled by the used vehicles and the cost of the cost of idle time of operators. The problem considers scheduled activities, dates not available and installed capacity, and data of demand previously provided by the customers. The problem consists of the scheduling and planning of the routes by considering time windows. In particular, it is proposed a mixed integer linear programming model to improve the logistic management process of companies belonging to this sector. The model has been tested with data obtained from a Colombian company that provides the CP services in the main Colombian cities. The results show the importance and efficiency of the proposed methodology as an alternative to the solution of the considered problem


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How to Cite

Mathematical model for the services planning and scheduling of routes on companies that offer services of pest control. (2017). Entramado, 13(1), 72-77.

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