Two-stage operations scheduling for a nontraditional multi-period flow shop
Multi-period flow shop, mathematical modeling, operations scheduling, hierarchical planning, schedulingAbstract
This documents presents a detailed review of a two-stage approach to scheduling operations in a multi-period flow shop where various tasks have to be completed in the same time window. Some tasks are delivered immediately and must be scheduled as early as possible within the time window. Others are carried out in the latest stage in order to minimize their time of permanence in the system. It proposes a time decomposition strategy to address the multi-period issue, combining structured programming and linear programming in such a way that, for each period, two stages are run consisting of two mathematical models that schedule tasks based on their priority. The proposed approach was validated through the resolution of the problem of scheduling work for a feed manufacturing company where a schedule was prepared for each time period, meeting the requirements for immediate delivery products and those which can be delivered at a later point in time. The schedule minimizes the work-in-progress inventory of the first and the time of non-permanence in the system of the latter.
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