Relationship between reading and writing, Academic performance and university dropout


  • Olga Lucia Uribe Enciso Universidad Santo Tomás
  • Stefany Carrillo García Universidad Industrial de Santander


Higher education, reading, writing, academic performance, dropout


The aim of this study is to determine if there is a relationship between freshmen students’ reading and writing competency, their academic performance and permanence during their first year at university. 350 students that entered university in the second semester in 2011 participated in the research. Questionnaires and interviews were analyzed to gain insights into the students and the teachers’ views on the relationship between reading and writing skills and the academic life. Additionally, academic databases, the national examination ‘SABER 11’ results and the score obtained in the institutional test where the production of an argumentative text was evaluated, were consulted. The results show a relationship between the students’ reading and writing skills, their academic performance and university dropout rates. However, dropouts state that such skills are not essential to their academic success. The study demonstrates there is a need of implementing measures to support university students and therefore prevent dropout due to factors associated with poor academic performance caused by poor reading and writing competency.


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How to Cite

Relationship between reading and writing, Academic performance and university dropout. (2017). Entramado, 10(2), 272-285.

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