Electronic app lication for saving electric power using an alternative source of energy


  • Juan Carlos Cruz Ardila Universidad de San Buenaventura
  • Juan Carlos Cardona Gómez Universidad de San Buenaventura
  • Diego Mauricio Hernández Porras Universidad de San Buenaventura


Solar photovoltaic energy, electronic transfer, solar panel, renewable energy, energy saving


This article presents the findings of a study aimed at decreasing the use of electric power supply from conventional power grids by making use of solar energy from photovoltaic cells. It proposes the design of an electronic transfer system that facilitates using DC electric power from solar panels, thus eliminating the use of a voltage inverter (commonly used in these kinds of applications) which increases the cost of using solar energy. It first provides a review of the state-of-art technology which makes it possible to contextualize a problem resolved from the use of renewable photovoltaic energy, noting that Spain is currently the most developed country in this field. It then goes on to present a gradual development of the supply system and electronic transfer, and provides a description of the identified variables and an explanation of the implemented embedded system using flow charts. It also describes the use of devices such as current sensors, regulators, and rectifiers. It shows a schematic of the implemented transfer system. Lastly, it discusses the findings and operational tests of the system to show the functionality of the electronic application that saves electric power through the use of an alternative source of energy.


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How to Cite

Electronic app lication for saving electric power using an alternative source of energy. (2017). Entramado, 9(2), 234-248. https://revistas.unilibre.edu.co/index.php/entramado/article/view/3475

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