Efficiency and pr oductivity of the quality of education in municipalities in the State of Bolivar, Colombia


  • Francisco Javier Mazar Ávila Universidad de Cartagena
  • Victor Manuel Quesadar Ibarguen Universidad de Cartagena
  • Juan Carlos Vergara Schmalbach Universidad Nacional de Colombia


Efficiency, quality of education, public service, data envelopment analysis, Malmquist index, technical change


Objective: Conduct a review of the growth of productivity and the change in efficiency of the quality of education in 24 municipalities in the State of Bolivar, Colombia, in the period from 2007 to 2010. Methods: Use of a Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) and Malmquist index to measure the efficiency and evolution over time of the productivity of the quality of education in 24 municipalities in the State of Bolivar, Colombia, based on information supplied by the National Planning Department about the number of students whose scores on the Saber 11 test (hereinafter ICFES ) were Intermediate, High or Excellent (public educational institutions), the number of teachers whose rating was greater than 6 - or, alternatively, grade 2 according to the new rating scale -, and investment in education in the last three years Findings: The findings show that, in terms of quality, no more than 8% of the municipalities in review ranks in the efficient range, and as far as productivity is concerned, there has been a continuing decline, period after period, as a result of impaired efficiency. Conclusions: The resources allocated to improve quality of education in the 24 municipalities in the State of Bolivar in review in the period from 2007-2010 have not been used in an efficient manner. There has also been deterioration in productivity due to this poor allocation of resources.


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How to Cite

Efficiency and pr oductivity of the quality of education in municipalities in the State of Bolivar, Colombia. (2017). Entramado, 9(2), 28-39. https://revistas.unilibre.edu.co/index.php/entramado/article/view/3461

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