Procedure for building semantic indexes based on domain-specific ontologies
Semantic indexing, Ontology, information retrieval, collaborative marketAbstract
The current on-line search systems are still far from providing users with contextualized and accurate answers because users have to make additional efforts to filter and evaluate information supplied to them. One of the ways to improve the results is to create semantic indexes that incorporate knowledge and intelligent processing of resources. When it comes to the implementation of semantic indexes, however, there is a wide range of research studies with their own procedures and lengthy conceptualization, implementation, and refinement processes. Thus, it becomes of the utmost importance to define an instrument that allows creating these kinds of structures in a more structured and efficient manner. This work proposes a procedure that makes it possible to create semantic indexes based on domain-specific ontologies. The methodology entailed creating a state of the art of the various existing proposals and drawing a general procedure that incorporates the best practice for creating semantic indexes. Then, a semantic index was created of the domain of plants and their components. The results demonstrate that the defined process is a good instrument that guides implementation of these kinds of structures with a high degree of customization. Nevertheless, it also shows that the process depends on other variables in building and processing the index, so the design needs to be re-examined until the desirable results are obtained.
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