Index of attitude towards research in undergraduate students


  • Héctor Mauricio Rojas Betancourt Universidad de Manizales
  • Raquel Méndesz Villamizar Universidad Industrial de Santander
  • Ángela Rodríguez Prada Universidad in


Attitude, training, science, university, pedagogy


The study of students› attitude towards the learning of science and their level of predisposition towards training in scientific research constitute the axes of analysis of this research work, which focuses on the status and type of training in research, and proposes better approaches to the development of pedagogy of scientific research. A cross-sectional, correlational study was carried out among undergraduate students in the five most important universities in the city of Bucaramanga, Colombia. The students› favorable predisposition toward research stands out in the midst of many institutional difficulties, such as the professor›s role in the high or low index of attitude; as well as the self-affirmation of the students toward training in research, and the importance for them that the universities should strengthen the scientific area of their training.


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How to Cite

Index of attitude towards research in undergraduate students. (2017). Entramado, 8(2), 216-229.

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