Implementation of a public policy on labor inclusion of individuals with disabilities in the city of Popayan, Cauca (Colombia)
Disability, policy, inclusion, jobs, business, goverment and implementationAbstract
The primary objective of this study was to evaluate the process of implementing a public policy regarding the inclusion of individuals with disabilities into the labor force in the city of Popayan, Cauca. By using a matrix based on authors such as Pressman and Wildavsky (1973) and Sabatier and Mazmaniam (1981), it was possible to show the relationships among the three actors involved in the implementation phase of the policy: Individuals with disabilities (IS), the business sector (BS), and the public sector (PS) The matrix includes variables such as sociodemographic characteristics of IS, general business characteristics, classification of disabilities, health characteristics, occupational characteristics, knowledge of public policy, and actions to implement this policy. These actions were incorporated into the three matrices. By applying the matrix, we determined that approximately 50% of the IS (N = 325) do not take any actions to facilitate implementation of public policies; virtually none of the representatives of the BS (N = 333) take any action, while all representatives of the PS (N = 17) take more than one action. Based on the results, we recommend further review of this issue because, although Colombian law is very clear and extensive about this field, it is not fully enforced.
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