Two-phase method for motorcycle messenger routing problem with time windows
Motorcycle messenger routing problem, mail service, time windows, postal delivery, mixed integer linear programmingAbstract
In this work, a method to solve a motorcycle messenger routing problem with time windows is presented. This has two phases: in the first one, clusters of clients are formed, each group is assigned to a route and each route is served by a vehicle; in the second phase, through a mixed integer linear programming model the routing for each cluster is made while respecting hard time windows of some clients. To validate the method, the mail delivery section of a shared service center in Cali – Colombia is used as case study. The results show that, when testing different clustering methods (phase 1) these do not significantly influence the vehicle’s duration on the road; On the other hand, regrouping the clients after routing (phase 2) can considerably improve the total duration of the route, although in some cases, increasing the distance traveled by the vehicle.