Knowledge management in the third sector
from competitiveness to organizational efficiency
Knowledge management, Knowledge, third sector, efficiency, efficacyAbstract
The purpose of this study is to provide a reflection about the contribution of knowledge management (KM) to the efficiency of organizations in the third sector. To that end, the author of the study carried out an analysis of the content of a compilation of 35 articles from indexed journals (i.e. JCR and SJR) and journals specialized in KM. This review shows that, although third sector organizations do not intend to compete like traditional organizations or to create customer attraction and retention strategies, they do compete for funding from other organizations and carry out mission-based processes whose efficiency could be increased through the application of KM in order to improve the attention to and management of their target groups. Some of the study findings highlight the importance of human resources to attain efficiency through KM in third sector organizations. This study suggests that future research studies could focus on the empirical determination of the impact of variables (such as personnel management, use of ICTs, and innovation) on KM and on the efficiency of third sector organizations. Third sector organizations are very important in developing countries because they address those socioeconomic needs in which the State is inefficient. Thus, KM can make contributions to their organizational objectives.
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