The territory and its relation to the comparative advantages and competitive in the municipality of La Union, Valle del Cauca, Colombia
Leadership, leadership model, organizational theories, followers, environmentAbstract
Under the research project called “Territorial Marketing, an alternative to regional competitiveness and positioning in the municipalities of La Union, Zarzal and Cartago during the period 2012-2013” the main objective is to identify alternatives that promote competitiveness and regional positioning in the municipalities of La Union, Zarzal and Cartago, in Valle del Cauca. The issue is addressed in the triangulation of methods, data and researchers. Data obtained with different techniques and instruments such as non-participant observation, the opinion of the inhabitants, semi-structured interviews with public officials and compilation of statistics of municipalities in different areas; plus analysis of a team of researchers from disciplines such as Economics, Accounting, Management, Systems Engineering and Education. The results indicate that the use of the comparative advantages that the country offers, as well as education, infrastructure and administrative support from the provincial government play an important role in the potentiation of the competitive advantages of the municipality. It is concluded that the territorial marketing is a tool to boost competitiveness, which is potentiated when there the political will to invest in it and manage it.
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