Evaluation of agronomic variables, forage quality and content of condensed tannins of the legume Lotus corniculatus in response of biological and chemical fertilization in agro-ecological conditions of high Andean tropical Colombian
Agronomic variable, forage quality, Dry matter digestibility, crude protein, Neutral Detergent Fiber, Acid Detergent Fiber, condensed tanninsAbstract
In the savannah of Bogotá, 2600 m.s.n.m., were analyzed Agronomic variables; plant height, number and length of branches, total dry matter yield ha-1, and quality variables of forage, dry matter digestibility, raw protein, ethereal extract, Fiber Acid Detergent, Neutral Detergent Fiber, calcium, as well as the condensed tannin content of the legume Lotus corniculatus, by means of a complete random design of four treatments applied to the soil T1: no fertilizer; T2: biofertilizer; T3: chemical fertilization, and T4: biofertilizer with chemical fertilization, with three replicates per treatment. It was used analysis of variance (ANOVA) and comparison test of Tukey averages at 0.1%. The results indicate that the cultivation of L. corniculatus responds very well to biofertilization because T2 exhibited the best performance for most changeful agronomic and forage quality while T4 showed the best results for number of branches and less content of condensed tannins. In dry matter digestibility T2 and T4 showed good behavior with highly significant differences with respect to T1 and T3; In fat and calcium contents, the best behavior was presented in T3 and T1 with highly significant differences. It is concluded that biofertilization favorably influences the edaphic characteristics, production and quality of the forage Lotus corniculatus, with better behaviors in the main variables evaluated in the study
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