Innovation in the teaching practice in accounting
Accounting, Innovation, ProffesorsAbstract
The aim of this study was to explore among professors and students, what are
the characteristics of an innovative teacher in Accounting. The study involved
teachers and students from the School of Accounting and Administration of
the UNAM and the Bachelor of Accounting and Finance of the Tecnológico
de Monterrey, Campus Monterrey. From the literature reviewed qualities
that define the profile of an innovative teacher to the current challenges of
higher education were obtained. The research methodology was qualitative,
considering the application of in-depth interviews at both institutions for
a total of 12 teachers with teaching and research profile, as well as 12
students from the last third of a degree in accounting. The results highlight
the qualities of an innovative teacher in Accounting can be located within
the following dimensions: Personal, Interpersonal, Social, and Institutional
value-related and the similarity of intentions, interests and opinions among
professors and students of both institutions. The analysis of the results can
generate evidence and information to permit educational institutions to initiate
processes of reflection on how to facilitate the vocation, updating and linking
for Accounting professors.
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