Analysis of knowledge management in an institution of higher


  • Sandra Milena Zambrano Vargas
  • Laura Rocío Quitián Rodríguez



acquisition of knowledge, knowledge management, models management, protection of knowledge, transmission of knowledge, use of knowledge


Knowledge management shows a competitive advantage for all organizations that have managed to use it in their favor, that´s to say, this is the only unlimited resource available and to the extent that is used it is increasing its value. In this article are highlighted some theoretical aspects of the subject from the study of some models of knowledge management, an application is made through the use of two instruments in an institution of higher education in order to identify the current state of the knowledge management. These instruments are developed from the literature review identifying the dimensions of knowledge further treated by the authors, then a statistical analysis is used to know the scale in which each dimension of knowledge it is, and finally an improvement proposal is made aimed at helping the University to increase their levels of knowledge management with specific strategies for each group analyzed.


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How to Cite

Analysis of knowledge management in an institution of higher. (2015). Criterio Libre, 13(22), 279-297.