The democratic transitions in the middle east: a critical analysis from the western political theories perspective


  • RAFAT AHMED GHOTME Universidad Militar Nueva Granada



Democracy, Political theory, Political economy, Middle East.


The study will show that the Middle East’s political theory does not fit adequately in the Western political theories, even if it’s a modern view of a democratic transition. Even though the Western theories promote the comparative understanding of the transitional democratic events in the Middle East, all of these theories cannot be applied to the social and political realities of that region, which are determined by cultural, religious and tribal networks that will motivate the creation of a so called democratization that - if achieved – would be under a particular democratic shape, structured in the complex interactions between heterogenic entities, social tensions and different identities.


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How to Cite

The democratic transitions in the middle east: a critical analysis from the western political theories perspective. (2017). Criterio Libre, 10(16), 319-338.