Evaluation of the service quality perceived in the hotels of quibdó


  • Edison Jair Duque Oliva Profesor Titular Universidad Nacional de Colombia y ESAI Business School, Universidad Espíritu Santo, Ecuador.Universidad Nacional
  • Deison Palacios Palacios




measuring the quality of service,, quality of Service in hotels, SERVPERF scale, SERVQUAL scale, macroeconomic analysis of economic development, personal and professional services, regional, urban and rural analysis, tourism


The purpose of this research is to know the perception of the service quality that the clients of the Quibdó  city hotels have.  SERVPERF  will be  used as scale  of measurement. The research  is divided into five sections. First, we will conceptualize  key notions for research  such as  perceived  quality of service, scales of quality measurement and its application in the field of hotel management. Second, a brief outline of the methods and materials used in the research will be made.  Third, the structuring process of the applied  analysis model will be shown. Finally, in the last two sections, the presentation and analysis of results will be made and some conclusions and recommendations for the hotel sector in Quibdó will be outlined based  on the findings of this study.


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Author Biography

  • Edison Jair Duque Oliva, Profesor Titular Universidad Nacional de Colombia y ESAI Business School, Universidad Espíritu Santo, Ecuador.Universidad Nacional
    Profesor Titular Universidad Nacional de Colombia y ESAI Business School, Universidad Espíritu Santo, Ecuador.


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How to Cite

Evaluation of the service quality perceived in the hotels of quibdó. (2017). Criterio Libre, 15(26), 195-213. https://doi.org/10.18041/1900-0642/criteriolibre.2017v15n26.1047