Inimputability and psychological immature and its relationship with the general principles of criminal responsibility of the infringing adolescent in Colombia


  • Henry Torres Vásquez Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia - Colombia
  • Dagoberto Corrales Barona Funcionario de la Defensoría del Pueblo - Colombia



Violating adolescents, principles of the adolescent criminal responsibility system, imputability, psychological immaturity


The principles governing the system of adolescent criminal responsibility are found in international mechanisms for the protection of human rights which advocate for the protection of the child. They are instituted in various positive instruments both in domestic and international law. In Colombia they are in the Political Constitution, and in Law 1098 of 2006. These can be both substantive and procedural.
The Criminal Responsibility System for minors in Colombia is an accusatory, adversarial, specific and differentiated system with respect to the adult system, based on a series of principles. Among these are highlighted in this article, the best interests of the minor and the age range which are essential when analyzing the imputability of the minor offender of the criminal law.

In this sense, the importance of considering the imputability based on the psychological immaturity of the minor who commits crimes based on being over 14 years old and under 18 years of age is studied. Teenagers who break the criminal law are considered attributable with special treatment, therefore respond criminally for punishable behaviors, which means that there is no impunity in their crimes.
It is concluded in the article that the way to deal with juvenile delinquency, makes it necessary to conduct studies on the desirability or not of imputability based on age as the means of addressing the criminal responsibility of the child for which both the minority and coming of age from which one is criminally responsible in Colombia. In this way, it is possible to establish an adolescent penal system that responds to social expectations and prevents minors from being used for the commission of crimes by adults and that the behaviors that adolescents commit do not go unpunished.


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Law and Political Science

How to Cite

Inimputability and psychological immature and its relationship with the general principles of criminal responsibility of the infringing adolescent in Colombia. (2019). Saber, Ciencia Y Libertad, 14(2), 46-62.

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