Processes of organization and community participation in academic practices of the University of La Guajira
Nucleus Social and Human Sciences
Community organization, community participation, academic practices, social development, society, communityAbstract
The objective of this article is based on the analysis of the processes of organization and community participation in the academic practices of the University of Guajira, specifically in the nucleus of the faculty of social and human sciences. Likewise, the sample of the study was constituted by (5) people who lead the academic practices in this faculty and (156) inhabitants of the communities of Riohacha city; the research was based on the theoretical contributions of González (2013), Uribe (2012), Galindo (2012), Acosta (2012), among others. In this sense, it can be established that there are several communal organization and participatory processes, which allow the social inclusion of the sectors that involve a certain nucleus, in this case, the University of La Guajira, in which the planning of These elements are conceived as processes that must go through different levels of participation, admitting resources of meeting powers, different local and global scenarios, as well as the plurality of actors, which are framed from the technical, political, structural, conjunctural and the articulation of resources, as well: strengthen the organizational culture of public and private actors; generating social responsibility and ethical commitment, institutional management, in order to promote levels of self-management and / or sustainability, promoting inter-institutional cooperation and coordination, generating short, medium and long-term programs and projects. Faced with this, the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities of the University of La Guajira should encourage self-management work in the communities of the city of Riohacha, so that they themselves participate in the solutions of their most felt problems.
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