El superete:
Formato comercial que evidencia una cercanía a teoría de crisol de fusión?
“Superete” (Mini-mart, Convenience store),, melting pot, commercial format, retail sales, mass market productAbstract
Today’s so-called “superetes” in Colombia correspond to a commercial type cross shop between a neighborhood shop and a big supermarket. Particularly in Cartagena de Indias, in the last decade, a gradual increase of these fast moving consumer goods stores is noticeable; such businesses combine the benefits of the neighborhood shops and the supermarkets. Under these premises, customers find, in a small store, quality and a variety of products conveniently available to them in terms of price, distance, comfort and personal treatment worthy of a human being.Unlike other countries where the so-called large shopping areas have reduced or forced the small businesses out of the market, in Colombia these neighborhood shops together are stronger competitors that over the course of time have been gaining participation in the sales of fast moving consumer products thus affecting the big retailers’ sales. For the above reasons, the main goal of the research addresses the “superete” as a new commercial cross-format being the result of a clash process among large neighborhood shopping businesses that due to their characteristics aim at solidly positioning themselves in the fast moving consumer products market.
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