Collaboration Study in Scientific Publications. Basic Sciences College at UPTC, 2002-2014
Bibliometrics, Databases, Indexes correlation, Network analysis, Scientific collaboration, Scientific productivityAbstract
Scientific collaboration dynamics visualize the relationship among researchers, institutions, and countries, constructing the structures of the scientific communities. This paper aims to investigate the dynamics of publication through indicators of collaboration of the research professor in the Basic Sciences College at the Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia registered in databases of high impact, which allow to characterize their investigative profile. We applied bibliometrics and network analyses. The results showed that collaboration dynamics increased since 2008, mainly with international coauthor ship, and that there is a correlation between collaboration and productivity. These results provide an analytic framework to the academic community to conduct further studies involving either methodological aspects or the results presented here, and potentiate decision making in institutional policies regarding scientific research. This article presents the analysis of gaps that keep the mango sector of the department of Sucre (Colombia) with little competitiveness and the identification of variables and strategic actors on which the mango culturists could exert influence to promote positive development and thereby improve competitiveness. The article highlights the importance of adding value to the product from the field of quality management as a bet that the mango culturists could take advantage of to position themselves in the market
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