Conflictos centrales y marginales en las fronteras y los no lugares urbanos y rurales del estado colombiano
Emergency, territories, borders, non-places, democracies, politicsAbstract
This reflective and critical discourse focuses on the characterization of border - state non - places that were home to political, economic, social and cultural exceptions in the management of government in global and local territories of nations in the era of globalization. These exceptionalities are increased in geographic, ethnic and linguistic borders and grow uncontrollably in policies, economies and socio-cultural structures and hybridized descendants of peoples of dominant cultures. The exceptionalities in Latin America were born in the colonial era, where the Indian laws legitimized the dream of an order - in the center - and the neighborhoods outside the walls - boundaries, as first peripheries and marginal areas represented Nightmare disorder itself, filled with all forms of exclusion and cultural conflicts between the inhabitants of the city, its residents and unconverted souls. At this historical moment the spark conflict between dominant and dominated ones sparks the exclusion, which is the putative mother of all policies that aims to visualize the problems of sovereignty and governance of villagers. It is about proposing ways to search for proposals and hypothesis that enable current and future research in urban operations to adapt to these complex urban realities border - places - not states of emergency in Colombia where we have to look for, as says Dr. Orlando
Fals Borda in on some of the socio-political studies in 1994: “The progress of marginalized peoples and
peripherals is and will be the best proof of the success in our governments.”
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