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Students’ perspectives on social science education at school: toward a restorative pedagogy


  • Stuart Timrsty Wilson Jaimes-Mendoza Professor at the Department of Basic, Social, and Human Sciences, Simón Bolívar University, Cúcuta Headquarters; Philosopher, Industrial University of Santander (UIS); Master of Philosophy, UIS; Master’s Candidate in Human Rights, UIS.
  • Darley María Quintero-Patiño Preschool Teacher, Oriental School 26; Bachelor’s Degree in Child Pedagogy and Psychologist, University of Pamplona; Specialist in University Teaching Practice, Francisco de Paula Santander University; Master’s Degree in Psychopedagogy, International University of La Rioja; PhD Candidate in Education Sciences, UPEL.
  • Laura Carolina González-Barrera Professor of the complementary cycle of the María Auxiliadora Normal School of Cúcuta. Graduate in Social Sciences, San José de Caldas District University. Master in Political Studies, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana. Candidate for Doctorate in Educational Sciences, UPEL.
  • Andrea Lisbeth Hernández-Niño Psychologist from the University of Pamplona, Master in Peace, development and conflict resolution from the University of Pamplona. Specialist in Clinical Psychology from the Catholic University of Colombia, specialist in vocational and occupational guidance from the Francisco de Paula Santander University. Professor of the Department of Basic, Social, and Human Sciences from the Simón Bolívar University (Universidad Simón Bolívar) Cúcuta headquarters. Research group: GIMCINE.



Social sciences, education, curriculum, restorative pedagogy, guarantees of non-repetition


This study, aiming to foster a restorative pedagogy, explores perspectives on secondary social science education among students from Simón Bolívar University in the city of Cúcuta. The article gathers sources analyzing Colombia’s educational problems in the area of citizenship competencies and social sciences to help understand this epistemological field. Additionally, the restorative effect of students’ education was studied quantitatively based on their recognition of the social science curriculum. An exploratory qualitative research methodology was followed, and analytical categories were established to interpret results and, subsequently, draw conclusions.


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How to Cite

Students’ perspectives on social science education at school: toward a restorative pedagogy. (2024). Saber, Ciencia Y Libertad, 19(2), 274-299.

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