Association of burnout and quality of life in higher level teachers during covid-19
Burnout, quality of life, higher education teachers, COVID-19, dimensions, emotional exhaustion, self-fulfillmentAbstract
Objective: To determine the association between Burnout and the quality of life of higher education teachers during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Methods: The study has a quantitative, cross-sectional, non-experimental, descriptive, and correlational approach. In a population of 78 teachers, the participants were evaluated through the Maslach Burnout Inventory (ES) Educators Survey and the GENCAT Quality of Life scale. In addition, three analyses were performed: descriptive, inferential, and association. Data were collected through the Google Forms platform during the pandemic by Covid 19.
Results: Significant inverse and direct correlations were obtained between the burnout dimensions: emotional exhaustion with personal well-being, physical well-being and quality of life index, and personal accomplishment with all dimensions of quality of life and quality of life index in general. However, there is no association between the depersonalization scale and quality of life.
Conclusions: The emotional exhaustion and personal fulfillment scales belonging to the emotional exhaustion syndrome (burnout) significantly influenced the quality of life of teachers by being evaluated in such a way that teachers negatively perceive their performance within the institution, which increases the probability of having a deterioration in their quality of life. However, the depersonalization scale was not significantly affected in this population and was independent of the quality-of-life variable.
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