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Welfare experiences in a group of retired worker members. Phenomenological approach


  • Constanza Celia Nieto Marín University of Guadalajara
  • María de los Ángeles Aguilera Velasco University of Guadalajara



Retirement, Retired people, Welfare, Life Change Events, Phenomenology.


Introduction: Retirement is a stage of changes that have influence in the welfare of people so it is important to understand what happens in the retirement experiences of people from their own experience.

Objective: To understand the subjective experiences of well-being in retired people.

Methods: Qualitative study with case study design with phenomenological interpretation. In-depth interviews were conducted in eight retired people over 60 years of age and gender equality. The data were analyzed based on the phenomenological method looking for experiences of the body, space, time and human relationships.

Results: These retired people consider it important to have well-being, to have positive feelings and self-fulfillment, to carry out activities either in groups or individuals, to relate with family members, friends, to value their knowledge, health and opinions.

Conclusions: Carrying out activities and relating to others are important factors to have well-being in retirement.


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2018-06-30 — Updated on 2018-06-30




Scientific or technological research article

How to Cite

Welfare experiences in a group of retired worker members. Phenomenological approach. (2018). Revista Colombiana De Salud Ocupacional, 8(1), e-5884.

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