Relationship between physical load and syndrome metabolic in workers of the metal-mechanical sector
extra-occupational physical activity, physical aptitude, physical load, energy expenditure, metabolic syndromeAbstract
the physical workload countries and extended working hours are an important practice, when the physical demands exceed the physical capacity of the workers, causing fatigue and require more rest for recovery, consequently spare time reduction, changing habits (sedentary, hyper-caloric diets and saturated fat) and a biological response: abdominal obesity, metabolic syndrome and diabetes, with a high risk of cardiovascular disease.
Objective: The purpose of this research was to determine the relationship between physical workload and metabolic syndrome in participating workers.
Methodology: to develop a descriptive study of 41 workers between 30-50 years old. It was applied a survey in order to evaluate the socio-demographic and habits. Staggered test it was estimated the physical aptitude (VO2máx.), the physical load variables using pulsometer and energy expenditure through tables calculated. The diagnostic criteria were based on medical evaluation and blood tests (fasting glucose, HDL cholesterol and triglycerides) for metabolic syndrome. According to the international Diabetes Federation 2005, the threshold for abdominal obesity according to the Latin American Diabetes Association 2010 was applied. For correlation between categorical variables contingency tables and statistical significance test used chi square. Statistical significance level α= 0,05 was established.
Results: the extra-occupational physical activity was estimated to be low (61%), physical aptitude in fair to good category (82,9%). Statistically significant association between physical aptitude and metabolic syndrome (P=0,015) was found. The relationship between physical aptitude and physical workload represented by index Frimat statistical significance (P=0,013) was observed. The percentage of metabolic syndrome prevalence was 22%. (IC 95%: 10,6-37,6).
Conclusions: physical workload affected the workers with physical aptitude and its clinical significance in the prevalence of the metabolic syndrome. However, the analysis did not present a statistical significance between physical load and metabolic syndrome.
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