Costs for low back pain in an EPS in Cali, Colombia


  • Sandra L Arce Eslava Universidad Libre
  • Erika J García Lozano Universidad Libre
  • Elibeth Parra González Universidad Libre
  • Ángela M Cruz-Libreros Universidad Libre


low back pain, disability, costs


Objective: To identify the costs for treatment and disability, in workers with low back pain affiliated to an EPS.

Methodology: Descriptive study carried out on a database of 402 members of an EPS in the city of Cali (Colombia), between 2008 and 2011, occupationally active and diagnosed with low back pain with sciatica, radiculopathy and non-specific low back pain. Data on costs, type of treatment and days of disability were collected.

Results: 52% of the patients were men with an average age of 42 years (SD ± 12). 11% of the patients had physical therapy and 27% medical treatment. The total costs generated for the years 2008 and 2011 averaged $ 14.8 billion Colombian pesos per year.

Conclusions: It can be seen that as the chronological year increases, both the number of people with low back pain, as well as disabilities, the number of treatments and therefore the costs for its management are also increasing.


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How to Cite

Arce Eslava, S. L., García Lozano, E. J., Parra González, E., & Cruz-Libreros, Ángela M. (2013). Costs for low back pain in an EPS in Cali, Colombia. Revista Colombiana De Salud Ocupacional, 3(2), 22-25.

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