Poor conditions in medical practice according to an employment quality index.


  • María Cifuentes Hernández Universidad Libre
  • Claudia Rizo Sandoval Universidad Libre
  • Lina Morales Parra Universidad Libre
  • Reynaldo Carvajal Universidad Libre
  • Alejandro Baena Universidad Libre


Employment Quality Index, precarious employment quality, IPS Level I,, general practitioners, dimensions


There is a general view that before health reforms had taken place in Colombia, the quality of employment for doctors and health workers has deteriorated; however, there is not a standard tool to assess whether such comment view corresponds to reality.

Objective: Evaluate an instrument for measuring quality of employment in medical staff.

Methodology: Descriptive, exploratory, in 32 general doctors at a level I hospital in Guadalajara de Buga, Colombia. The instrument to assess work quality was structured based on the 9 dimensions considered by Iglesias et al 2009. Questions in the instrument were designed based on the Large Integrated Household Survey (DANE, 2009) of Colombia.

Results: The overall quality of employment was 40,6%. Dimensions with lowest index were social dialogue (0%) and training and development (4,1%); whereas the dimensions with the highest index were: inclusion and access to the labor market (100%) and overall performance (100%).

Conclusions: According to the overall index, the quality of employment among practitioners in the study is precarious (<60%). The results are consistent with the rate calculated by the ILO in Colombia.


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Scientific or technological research article

How to Cite

Poor conditions in medical practice according to an employment quality index. (2012). Revista Colombiana De Salud Ocupacional, 2(3), 18-21. https://revistas.unilibre.edu.co/index.php/rc_salud_ocupa/article/view/4839

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