Compliance with management indicators in a program for the management of patients living with HIV / AIDS




VIH, SIDA, programs, indicators, management, evaluation, monitoring, therapy, prevention, compliance


Introduction: HIV/AIDS infection is a public health problem for which multiple control strategies have been developed. Colombia seeks to standardize care in specialized centers, under the recommendations of the current Clinical Practice Guide and with a multidisciplinary intervention.
Objective: To determine compliance with management indicators in a program for the management of patients living with HIV/AIDS, in a specialized IPS in Cali Colombia.
Methods: An observational, descriptive, longitudinal and retrospective study was carried out in a cohort of patients older than 18 years, who entered the program and started antiretroviral therapy (ART), between January and December 2016. Information from 173 clinical records and data reported in the High Cost Account of patients diagnosed with HIV/AIDS was analyzed. Thirteen clinical area indicators were evaluated, all of them process: three for initial evaluations, two for monitoring, six for therapy and two for specific preventions.
Results: The institution met 23.1% of the indicators met the goal established by the consensus of the CAC; 100% compliance with the recommendations was identified in 11% of the population and regarding the optimal virological response, 72.8% achieved undetectable viral load results between week 9 and week 117 after the start of ART; 69.3% reported viral suppression before week 48 and viral load was evaluated in 1.2% of the population.
Conclusion: Compliance with the management indicators of the clinical practice guide (CPG) was low and they are related to administrative barriers.


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2020-12-30 — Updated on 2024-05-17




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How to Cite

Compliance with management indicators in a program for the management of patients living with HIV / AIDS. (2024). Interdisciplinary Journal of Epidemiology and Public Health, 3(2), e-6412. (Original work published 2020)

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