The Constitutional hermeneutics and the human rights culture in epoch of the covid-2019 pandemic




COVID-2019, Derechos Humanos, Interpretación Constitucional, Proporcionalidad, Ponderación, Contenido Esencial, Hermeméutica Constitucional, Cultura Derechos Humanos



The COVID-2019 crisis, its socio-legal implications, are addressed through its impact on human rights, as a consequence of the State of Emergency issued in Colombia in 2020, to protect the right to health, but generating in turn a situation of conflicts between different types of rights. The work constitutes a reflection based on a bibliographical investigation through documentary research on decisions of the executive power and the constitutional court that exercise their control, referring to the legal regulation of the COVID-2019 pandemic in Colombia, in addition to the constitutional regulations and legal and the doctrine referred to the subject. The objective is to demonstrate how constitutional hermeneutics, through the principles of proportionality, weighting and essential content, is capable of promoting a greater culture of human rights, because these interpretative guidelines can be understood by citizens through work that encompasses education, with the participation not only of lawyers but also of teachers, sociologists, NGOs, among others.


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Author Biography

  • Ronald Chacin-Fuenmayor, Universidad del Sinú Elías Bechara Zainúm, Montería - Colombia

    Docente e investigador de la Universidad del Sinú Elías Bechara Zainúm, Montería - Colombia


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How to Cite

The Constitutional hermeneutics and the human rights culture in epoch of the covid-2019 pandemic. (2022). Entramado, 18(2), e-8315.

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