Arts education and citizen training

a space to build sensibility in San Bonifacio College Corporation of the city of Ibagué, Colombia


  • José Julián Ñáñez-Rodríguez
  • Heidy Mayerly Castro-Turriago



Art education, citizenship education, civic values, arts, artistic projects, basic education


In order to determine if the San Bonifacio of Lanzas Highschool Corporation contributes to the civic education of students in 5th grade through arts education and artistic projects that are taught in the institution, a case study was conducted, following up the work done by the institution since 5 years ago until now, which allowed show how through physical, emotional experience, symbolic and aesthetic knowledge, contributes to the formation of creative thought some symbolic expression , from tangible and intangible manifestations in intercultural contexts that are expressed through different artistic projects and together with art, culture and heritage are helping individuals relate to society, they are integrated into a community , generate identity, sense of belonging to their city, join other by ties of solidarity, tolerance, respect, generating awareness group, creating bonds of affection and loyalty to his city made from a particular history and cultural tradition. For that reason, it is essential to take into account that projects of citizen formation can be strengthened through artistic education, since art is a unique source of motivation for children and young people if it propitiates the formation of human beings with critical, independent, sensitive and excellent conditions to healthy living is all about


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How to Cite

Arts education and citizen training: a space to build sensibility in San Bonifacio College Corporation of the city of Ibagué, Colombia. (2016). Entramado, 12(2), 154-165.

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