The Social Networking Sites (SNSs) as a tool for employee recruitment and selection in the human resource management: A literature review
Social Networking Site, SNS, recruitment and selection processes, human talent, applicants, internetAbstract
The Social Networking Sites (SNS) or Redes Sociales, in Spanish, have taken essential part within every human life sphere and workspace has not been indifferent to this. The objective of this research is to know how the Social Networking Sites are being applied to recruitment and selection processes through a systematic literature review in ISI Web of Science and Scopus databases, from 2001 to 2016 that includes planning, implementation and dissemination of results. It has been found that the study of this topic has awakened over an especial interest in the scientific world throughout the time, which allowed to identify the uses that nowadays are being given to this platform in the labor market. The main results show that the content published by the candidates affects the decisions of the recruiters, promoting discrimination that has triggered into an ethical and legal debate, where countries such as the United States have developed legal initiatives to regulate these practices. In this way, the present article has created bases for future research on a subject that is meaningfully influencing in the business dynamic.
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