Proposals for the development of internationalization of Non-Central Governments (NC Gs)

aiming at strengthening para diplomacy


  • Mario Edgar López Ramírez Universidad Libre
  • Jorge Alberto Quevedo Flores Universidad Libre


Para diplomacy, internationalization, sub-national government, international relations


This article examines the main components for the formulation of the internationalization of the Non-Central Governments (NCGs), which could lead to strengthen para diplomacy. In this sense, it begins by providing a general explanation of the bases of internationalization of NCGs, and then identifies the main factors for which NCGs decide on internationalization in their regions. This helps clarify the structure of internationalization of NCGs to generate a systemic analysis that leads to the development of an interface among the various stakeholders involved in the process. The final part of this work focuses on generating some proposals that would contribute to the development of internationalization of NCGs.


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How to Cite

Proposals for the development of internationalization of Non-Central Governments (NC Gs): aiming at strengthening para diplomacy. (2017). Entramado, 10(1), 190-201.

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