New public management in Colombia and occupational well-being of university faculty
Working conditions, Burnout Syndrome, Engagement, work overload, education, teaching staff, job insecurityAbstract
The crises that originated in the dominant models of socioeconomic and/or productive development and in the socio-occupational forms of organization generate working conditions that can affect the physical, psychological, and occupational health of the teaching staff. Therefore, it is important to address the topic of prevention of occupational risks and psychosocial factors in order to encourage personal and professional development. This work is based on the context of the transition from Keynesian Fordism to New Modern Capitalism, from Solid Modernity to the Liquid Modernity of insecurity and uncertainty. The adoption of the New Public Management (Spanish acronym, NGP) model in Colombia is examined, a process that is reflected in the Political Constitution of Colombia of 1991, specifically in article 67, in Law 30 of 1992, and in the application of the Third Reform of Higher Education in Latin America. To consider the relationship between the working conditions, in the scenario of the NGP in the Colombian faculty, with occupational well-being, an analysis was carried out based on a review of the literature starting from the year 2000. It has become important to address the increasing insecurity of working conditions as a problem of public health and not as a momentary situation, as a result of the tendency toward labor flexibility in education in Colombian universities
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