Factores críticos en la industria del software
https://doi.org/10.18041/1900-0642/criteriolibre.2016v14n24.87Palabras clave:
cluster, factores críticos, industria del softwareResumen
Este documento presenta una revisión bibliográfi ca acerca de la industria del software, el objetivo es determinar los factores críticos de éxito en algunos clusters reconocidos a nivel mundial. En primer lugar, se presenta la defi nición de cluster y su relación con el ecosistema de emprendimiento; posteriormente se defi ne la industria del software, su atractivo para las economías emergentes, y luego se presentan los factores críticos asociados a la industria extractados de la consulta de artículos científi cos de revisión e investigación. Este trabajo se aborda desde la perspectiva estratégica y se tienen en cuenta los factores críticos de éxito
Los datos de descarga aún no están disponibles.
Ahumada, E.; Zárate, R.; López, I.; Perusquia, J. (2012). Modelo de competitividad basado en el conocimiento: el caso de las pymes del sector de tecnologías de información en baja California. Revista internacional administración & finanzas, 5, pp. 13-27.
Alfonso, V. (2010). Factores críticos de éxito y evaluación de la competitividad de destinos turísticos. Estudios y Perspectivas en Turismo, 19, pp. 201-220.
Allon, D.R.; De Oliveira, F. (2010). Os Principais Atores na Conformação de um Sistema Local de Inovação: um Estudo Ilustrativo do APL de Software de Curitiba como um Potencial Sistema Local de Inovação. Revista basileña de economía de empresa, 10, pp. 54-69.
Arif, A. (2011). Software Firm Growth and Associated Factors in Pakistan Software Developing Industry: Some Preliminary Findings. Interdisciplinary journal of contemporary research in business, 3, pp. 2012-2022.
Arora, A. & Badge, S. (2006). The Indian Software Industry: the Human Capital Story. Carnegie Mellon University. Paper presented at the DRUID Conference, Copenhagen, June.
Arora, A. & Gambardella, A. (2007). The globalization of the software industry: Perspectives and opportunities for developed and developing countries. Innovation policy and the economy. Cambridge: MIT Press. 5, pp. 7-38.
Arora, A.; Gambardella, A. & Klepper, S. (2005). Organizational Capabilities and the Rise of the Software Industry in the Emerging Economies: Lessons from the History of some US Industries. En: Arora, A. & Gambardella, A. From underdogs to tigers: The rise and growth of the software industry in Brazil, China, India, Ireland and Israel. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 171-206.
Athereye, S. (2005). The Indian software industry. En: Arora, A. & Gambardella, A. From underdogs to tigers: The rise and growth of the software industry in Brazil, China, India, Ireland and Israel. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 7-40.
Ayman Talib, A. & Malkawi, M. (2011). Inward Strategy: An Optimal Solution to Build a Software Industry in Saudi Arabia. IBIMA Business Review (p. 17).
Bastos, P.; Ramos, D.; Lebre, R.; Bercovich, N.; Furtado, R.; Lima, F.; López, A.; Mala, A. (2011). Knowledge cities: a taxonomy for analyzing software and information service clusters. Engering management journal, 51, pp. 15-34.
Bercovich, N. (2010). Desarrollo de la industria del software, outsourcing y clusters de TI. Quito, 8 de julio de 2010. Cepal. http://www.eclac. org/socinfo/noticias/noticias/4/40164/ Presentaci%C3%B3n_Bercovich-rv-annags_ [Compatibility_Mode].pdf
Breznitz, D. (2005). The Israeli software industry. En: Arora, A.& Gambardella, A. From underdogs to tigers: The rise and growth of the software industry in Brazil, China, India, Ireland and Israel. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 72-98.
Caralli, R., Stevens, J., Wilke, B. y Wilson, W. (2004). The Critical Success Factor Method: Establishing a Foundation for Enterprise Security Management. Retrieved from: http://resources.sei.cmu.edu/asset_files/ technicalreport/2004_005_001_14393.pdf
Cardona, R. (2011). Estrategia basada en los recursos y capacidades. Criterios de evaluación y el proceso de desarrollo. Red Pilares. Revista electrónica Forum Doctoral, 4, pp. 113-147.
Capó, J.; Expósito, M., y Masiá, E. (2007). La importancia de los clusters para la competitividad de las PYME en una economía global. Revista Eure, XXXIII(98), 119–133. Recuperado de: http://www.scielo.cl/pdf/ eure/v33n98/art07.pdf
Chaminade, C. & Vang, J. (2008). Globalization of knowledge production and regional innovation policy: Supporting specialized hubs in the Bangalore software industry. Paper provided by Lund University, CIRCLE - Center for Innovation, Research and Competences in the Learning Economy in its series CIRCLE Electronic Working Papers with number 2008/20.
Chiou, G.; Chao-Chin C.; Chia-Hung T. (2012). The effect of clusters on the development of the software industry in Dalian, China. Technoloy in society, 33, pp.163-173.
Cohen, B. (2006). Sustainable valley entrepreneurial ecosystems. Business Strategy and the Environment, 15(1): 1-14.
Díaz, C.; Alarcón, A.; Ayala, A. (2011). Clustering and Innovation Capabilities in the Mexican Software Industry. Engering management journal, 23, pp. 47-56.
Fitzgerald, C.; Flood, P.C.; O’Regan, P.; Ramamoorthy, N. (2008). Governance structures and innovation in the Irish Software Industry. Journal of High Technology Management Research, 19, pp. 36-44.
Giblin, M. (2011). Managing the Global–Local Dimensions of Clusters and the Role of “Lead” Organizations: The Contrasting Cases of the Software and Medical Technology Clusters in the West of Ireland. European planning Studies, 19, pp. 23-41.
Giuliani, E., & Pietrobelli, C. (2004). Upgrading in Clusters and Value Chains in Latin America. The Role of Policies. http://siteresources. worldbank.org/INTEXPCOMNET/Resources/ Pietrobelli_and_Rabellotti_2004.pdf
Giuliani, E., Pietrobelli, C., & Rabellotti, R. (2005). Upgrading in Global Value Chains: Lessons from Latin American Clusters. World Development, 33(4), pp. 549-573.
Guiarratana, M.; Pagano, A. & Torrisi, S. (2005). The role of the multinational companies. En: Arora, A. & Gambardella, A. From underdogs to tigers: The rise and growth of the software industry in Brazil, China, India, Ireland and Israel. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 208-234.
Hualde, A. & Gomis, R. (2007). Pyme de software en la frontera norte de México: desarrollo empresarial y construcción institucional de un cluster. Problemas de desarrollo, 38, 150, pp. 193-212.
Junquera, A.; Stefanuto, G. & Veloso, F. (2005). The Brasilian software industry. En: Arora, A. & Gambardella, A. From underdogs to tigers: The rise and growth of the software industry in Brazil, China, India, Ireland and Israel. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 99-129.
Kessidoy, E. & Szirmai, A. (2008). Local knowledge spillovers, innovation and export performance in developing countries: empirical evidence from the Uruguay software cluster. The European Journal of Development Research, 20, pp. 281-298.
Lee, C., Venkatraman, N., Tanriverdi, H., & Iyer, B. (2010). Complementary- Based hypercompetition in the software industry: Theory and empirical test, 1990-2001. Strategisc Management Journal, 1456(July), 1431–1456. http://doi.org/10.1002/smj López, A. y Ramos, D. (2009). Argentina: nuevas estrategias empresarias en un modelo más abierto. En: Tigre, P.; Marques, F. Desafíos y oportunidades de la industria de software para América Latina. Mayol Ediciones/CEPAL.
López, A; Niembro, A. y Ramos, D. (2012). Posibilidades de inserción de los países de América Latina en cadenas globales de valor en servicios: un análisis de las políticas de promoción de exportaciones y atracción de inversiones. BID.
Luo, J.; Lyntin, K.; Rose, G. (2012). A knowledgebased model of radical innovation in small software firms. MIS Quarterly, 36, pp. 865- 895.
Madrigal, B.; Arechavala, R., Madrigal, R. (2012). El emprendedor y su capital social: caso el clúster de software en Jalisco. Revista internacional administración & finanzas, 5, pp. 108-120.
Masiá, E., & Capó, J. (2004). Propuesta de una metodología para la creación de redes inter organizacionales dentro de un microcluster. Universidad Politécnica de Valencia. Departamento Organización de Empresas.
Mohammed, A. (2011). Jordan software industry: investigating the roll of human capital. International Journal of Business and Management, 6, pp. 228-227.
Nambisan, S.; Baron, R.A. (2013). Entrepreneurship in innovation ecosystems: Entrepreneurs' selfregulatory processes and their implications for new venture success. Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice, 37 (5), pp. 1071-1097.
Niosi, J., & Tschang, F. T. (2009). The strategies of Chinese and Indian software multinationals: implications for internationalization theory. Industrial and Corporate Change, 18(2), 269-294.
Ó Conchúir, E.; Ågerfalk, P.; Olsson, H., & Fitzgerald, B. (2009). Global Software Development: Where are the Benefits. Cominications of the ACM., 52, 8. pp. 127- 131.
Ojala, A., & Tyrväinen, P. (2007). Market Entry and Priority of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in the Software Industry: An Empirical Analysis of Cultural Distance, Geographic Distance, and Market Size. Journal of International Marketing, 15(3), 123-149. doi:10.1509/ jimk.15.3.123.
Palacio, R.R.; Vizcaino, A.; Morán, A.L.; Gonzalez, V.M. (2011). Tool to facilitate appropriate interaction in global software development. IET Softw, 5, pp. 157- 171.
Porter, M. (1982). Estrategia competitiva. Técnicas de análisis de los sectores industriales y de la competencia. México: Compañía editorial Contienental S.A.
Porter, M. (1999). Ser Competitivo. Ediciones Deusto S.A.
Porter, M. & Kramer (2002). The cometitve advantage of corporate philanthropy. Harvard Business Review
Ramos, J. (1999). Complejos productivos en torno a los recursos naturales: ¿una estrategia prometedora? Apertura económica y encadenamientos productivos. Libros de la CEPAL, Nº 61.
Rockart, J. y Bullen, C. (1981). A Primer on Critical Success Factors. Center for Information Systems Research, Working Paper 1220-81, (69), 1-63.
Samtani, M. & Capatina, A. (2012). Designing Growth Strategies for Romanian Offshore Outsourcing Vendors: Deploying Competitive Intelligence from Indian Software Industry. International Conference “Risk in Contemporary Economy” XIIIth Edition, Galati, Romania.
Sands, A. (2005). The Irish software industry. En: Arora, A. & Gambardella, A. From underdogs to tigers: The rise and growth of the software industry in Brazil, China, India, Ireland and Israel. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 41-71.
Shaker A. Zahra, Satish Nambisan (2012). Entrepreneurship and strategic thinking in business ecosystems. Business Horizons, Volume 55, Issue 3, May–June 2012, pp. 219-229. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j. bushor.2011.12.004. (http://www. sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/ S0007681311001881)
Silva, L. G.; Bala, I. (2009). Value creation using alliances within the software industry. Electronic commerce research and applications, 8, pp. 280-290.
Storce, C. (2008). Dynamics in innovation systems: Evidence from Japan’s game software industry. Research policy, 37, (pp. 1480-1491).
Thangavelu, A.K. (2012). Exploring the Influence of Partnership Quality. Towards the Outcome of Global Software Development Projects. International Review on Computers and Software, 7, pp. 2160-2172.
Tigre, P.; Marques, F. (2008). La industria del software en Brasil: un mercado interno fuerte puede promover las exportaciones? Comercio Exterior – Revista de Análisis Económico y Social, v. 58, n. 5, pp. 350-366.
Tigre, P.; Maeques, F. (2009). Aspectos económicos del software y consecuencias para América Latina. CEPAL/Mayol Ediciones.
Tschang, T. & Xue, L. (2005). The Chinese software industry. En: Arora, A. & Gambardella, A. From underdogs to tigers: The rise and growth of the software industry in Brazil, China, India, Ireland and Israel. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 131-167.
Vang, J & Chaminade, C. (2007). Learning from the Bangalore Experience: The Role of Universities in an Emerging Regional Innovation System. Centre for Innovation, Research and Competence in the Learning Economy (CIRCLE), Lund University.
Vang, J., & Chaminade, C. (2006). Building RIS in Developing Countries: Policy Lessons from Bangalore, India. Centre for Innovation, Research and Competence in the Learning Economy (CIRCLE) Lund University.
Vicens, L. y Grullón, S. (2011). Innovación y emprendimiento: Un modelo basado en el desarrollo del emprendedor. V Foro de Competitividad de las Américas. http:// start.iminent.com/StartWeb/3082/ homepage/#q=Vicens, L. y Grullón, S. (2011). Innovación y emprendimiento: Un modelo basado en el desarrollo del emprendedor&s=web&p=1
Wan, J.; Zhang, H.; Wan, X.; Luo, W. (2011). The Business Ecosystem of the Chinese Software Industry. iBusiness, 3. pp. 123-129.
Wickham, J. & Vecchi, A. (2008). Local Firms and Global Reach: Business Air Travel and the Irish Software Cluster. School of Social Sciences and Philosophy, Trinity College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland, Institute for International Integration Studies, Trinity College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland.
Williamson, O. (1989). Las Instituciones Económicas del Capitalismo. Fondo de Cultura Económica. p. 435.
Zhao, W.; Watanabe, C. Griffy-Brown, C. (2009). Competitive advantage in an industry cluster : the case of Dalian software park in China. Techonology in society, 31, pp. 139-149.
Alfonso, V. (2010). Factores críticos de éxito y evaluación de la competitividad de destinos turísticos. Estudios y Perspectivas en Turismo, 19, pp. 201-220.
Allon, D.R.; De Oliveira, F. (2010). Os Principais Atores na Conformação de um Sistema Local de Inovação: um Estudo Ilustrativo do APL de Software de Curitiba como um Potencial Sistema Local de Inovação. Revista basileña de economía de empresa, 10, pp. 54-69.
Arif, A. (2011). Software Firm Growth and Associated Factors in Pakistan Software Developing Industry: Some Preliminary Findings. Interdisciplinary journal of contemporary research in business, 3, pp. 2012-2022.
Arora, A. & Badge, S. (2006). The Indian Software Industry: the Human Capital Story. Carnegie Mellon University. Paper presented at the DRUID Conference, Copenhagen, June.
Arora, A. & Gambardella, A. (2007). The globalization of the software industry: Perspectives and opportunities for developed and developing countries. Innovation policy and the economy. Cambridge: MIT Press. 5, pp. 7-38.
Arora, A.; Gambardella, A. & Klepper, S. (2005). Organizational Capabilities and the Rise of the Software Industry in the Emerging Economies: Lessons from the History of some US Industries. En: Arora, A. & Gambardella, A. From underdogs to tigers: The rise and growth of the software industry in Brazil, China, India, Ireland and Israel. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 171-206.
Athereye, S. (2005). The Indian software industry. En: Arora, A. & Gambardella, A. From underdogs to tigers: The rise and growth of the software industry in Brazil, China, India, Ireland and Israel. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 7-40.
Ayman Talib, A. & Malkawi, M. (2011). Inward Strategy: An Optimal Solution to Build a Software Industry in Saudi Arabia. IBIMA Business Review (p. 17).
Bastos, P.; Ramos, D.; Lebre, R.; Bercovich, N.; Furtado, R.; Lima, F.; López, A.; Mala, A. (2011). Knowledge cities: a taxonomy for analyzing software and information service clusters. Engering management journal, 51, pp. 15-34.
Bercovich, N. (2010). Desarrollo de la industria del software, outsourcing y clusters de TI. Quito, 8 de julio de 2010. Cepal. http://www.eclac. org/socinfo/noticias/noticias/4/40164/ Presentaci%C3%B3n_Bercovich-rv-annags_ [Compatibility_Mode].pdf
Breznitz, D. (2005). The Israeli software industry. En: Arora, A.& Gambardella, A. From underdogs to tigers: The rise and growth of the software industry in Brazil, China, India, Ireland and Israel. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 72-98.
Caralli, R., Stevens, J., Wilke, B. y Wilson, W. (2004). The Critical Success Factor Method: Establishing a Foundation for Enterprise Security Management. Retrieved from: http://resources.sei.cmu.edu/asset_files/ technicalreport/2004_005_001_14393.pdf
Cardona, R. (2011). Estrategia basada en los recursos y capacidades. Criterios de evaluación y el proceso de desarrollo. Red Pilares. Revista electrónica Forum Doctoral, 4, pp. 113-147.
Capó, J.; Expósito, M., y Masiá, E. (2007). La importancia de los clusters para la competitividad de las PYME en una economía global. Revista Eure, XXXIII(98), 119–133. Recuperado de: http://www.scielo.cl/pdf/ eure/v33n98/art07.pdf
Chaminade, C. & Vang, J. (2008). Globalization of knowledge production and regional innovation policy: Supporting specialized hubs in the Bangalore software industry. Paper provided by Lund University, CIRCLE - Center for Innovation, Research and Competences in the Learning Economy in its series CIRCLE Electronic Working Papers with number 2008/20.
Chiou, G.; Chao-Chin C.; Chia-Hung T. (2012). The effect of clusters on the development of the software industry in Dalian, China. Technoloy in society, 33, pp.163-173.
Cohen, B. (2006). Sustainable valley entrepreneurial ecosystems. Business Strategy and the Environment, 15(1): 1-14.
Díaz, C.; Alarcón, A.; Ayala, A. (2011). Clustering and Innovation Capabilities in the Mexican Software Industry. Engering management journal, 23, pp. 47-56.
Fitzgerald, C.; Flood, P.C.; O’Regan, P.; Ramamoorthy, N. (2008). Governance structures and innovation in the Irish Software Industry. Journal of High Technology Management Research, 19, pp. 36-44.
Giblin, M. (2011). Managing the Global–Local Dimensions of Clusters and the Role of “Lead” Organizations: The Contrasting Cases of the Software and Medical Technology Clusters in the West of Ireland. European planning Studies, 19, pp. 23-41.
Giuliani, E., & Pietrobelli, C. (2004). Upgrading in Clusters and Value Chains in Latin America. The Role of Policies. http://siteresources. worldbank.org/INTEXPCOMNET/Resources/ Pietrobelli_and_Rabellotti_2004.pdf
Giuliani, E., Pietrobelli, C., & Rabellotti, R. (2005). Upgrading in Global Value Chains: Lessons from Latin American Clusters. World Development, 33(4), pp. 549-573.
Guiarratana, M.; Pagano, A. & Torrisi, S. (2005). The role of the multinational companies. En: Arora, A. & Gambardella, A. From underdogs to tigers: The rise and growth of the software industry in Brazil, China, India, Ireland and Israel. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 208-234.
Hualde, A. & Gomis, R. (2007). Pyme de software en la frontera norte de México: desarrollo empresarial y construcción institucional de un cluster. Problemas de desarrollo, 38, 150, pp. 193-212.
Junquera, A.; Stefanuto, G. & Veloso, F. (2005). The Brasilian software industry. En: Arora, A. & Gambardella, A. From underdogs to tigers: The rise and growth of the software industry in Brazil, China, India, Ireland and Israel. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 99-129.
Kessidoy, E. & Szirmai, A. (2008). Local knowledge spillovers, innovation and export performance in developing countries: empirical evidence from the Uruguay software cluster. The European Journal of Development Research, 20, pp. 281-298.
Lee, C., Venkatraman, N., Tanriverdi, H., & Iyer, B. (2010). Complementary- Based hypercompetition in the software industry: Theory and empirical test, 1990-2001. Strategisc Management Journal, 1456(July), 1431–1456. http://doi.org/10.1002/smj López, A. y Ramos, D. (2009). Argentina: nuevas estrategias empresarias en un modelo más abierto. En: Tigre, P.; Marques, F. Desafíos y oportunidades de la industria de software para América Latina. Mayol Ediciones/CEPAL.
López, A; Niembro, A. y Ramos, D. (2012). Posibilidades de inserción de los países de América Latina en cadenas globales de valor en servicios: un análisis de las políticas de promoción de exportaciones y atracción de inversiones. BID.
Luo, J.; Lyntin, K.; Rose, G. (2012). A knowledgebased model of radical innovation in small software firms. MIS Quarterly, 36, pp. 865- 895.
Madrigal, B.; Arechavala, R., Madrigal, R. (2012). El emprendedor y su capital social: caso el clúster de software en Jalisco. Revista internacional administración & finanzas, 5, pp. 108-120.
Masiá, E., & Capó, J. (2004). Propuesta de una metodología para la creación de redes inter organizacionales dentro de un microcluster. Universidad Politécnica de Valencia. Departamento Organización de Empresas.
Mohammed, A. (2011). Jordan software industry: investigating the roll of human capital. International Journal of Business and Management, 6, pp. 228-227.
Nambisan, S.; Baron, R.A. (2013). Entrepreneurship in innovation ecosystems: Entrepreneurs' selfregulatory processes and their implications for new venture success. Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice, 37 (5), pp. 1071-1097.
Niosi, J., & Tschang, F. T. (2009). The strategies of Chinese and Indian software multinationals: implications for internationalization theory. Industrial and Corporate Change, 18(2), 269-294.
Ó Conchúir, E.; Ågerfalk, P.; Olsson, H., & Fitzgerald, B. (2009). Global Software Development: Where are the Benefits. Cominications of the ACM., 52, 8. pp. 127- 131.
Ojala, A., & Tyrväinen, P. (2007). Market Entry and Priority of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in the Software Industry: An Empirical Analysis of Cultural Distance, Geographic Distance, and Market Size. Journal of International Marketing, 15(3), 123-149. doi:10.1509/ jimk.15.3.123.
Palacio, R.R.; Vizcaino, A.; Morán, A.L.; Gonzalez, V.M. (2011). Tool to facilitate appropriate interaction in global software development. IET Softw, 5, pp. 157- 171.
Porter, M. (1982). Estrategia competitiva. Técnicas de análisis de los sectores industriales y de la competencia. México: Compañía editorial Contienental S.A.
Porter, M. (1999). Ser Competitivo. Ediciones Deusto S.A.
Porter, M. & Kramer (2002). The cometitve advantage of corporate philanthropy. Harvard Business Review
Ramos, J. (1999). Complejos productivos en torno a los recursos naturales: ¿una estrategia prometedora? Apertura económica y encadenamientos productivos. Libros de la CEPAL, Nº 61.
Rockart, J. y Bullen, C. (1981). A Primer on Critical Success Factors. Center for Information Systems Research, Working Paper 1220-81, (69), 1-63.
Samtani, M. & Capatina, A. (2012). Designing Growth Strategies for Romanian Offshore Outsourcing Vendors: Deploying Competitive Intelligence from Indian Software Industry. International Conference “Risk in Contemporary Economy” XIIIth Edition, Galati, Romania.
Sands, A. (2005). The Irish software industry. En: Arora, A. & Gambardella, A. From underdogs to tigers: The rise and growth of the software industry in Brazil, China, India, Ireland and Israel. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 41-71.
Shaker A. Zahra, Satish Nambisan (2012). Entrepreneurship and strategic thinking in business ecosystems. Business Horizons, Volume 55, Issue 3, May–June 2012, pp. 219-229. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j. bushor.2011.12.004. (http://www. sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/ S0007681311001881)
Silva, L. G.; Bala, I. (2009). Value creation using alliances within the software industry. Electronic commerce research and applications, 8, pp. 280-290.
Storce, C. (2008). Dynamics in innovation systems: Evidence from Japan’s game software industry. Research policy, 37, (pp. 1480-1491).
Thangavelu, A.K. (2012). Exploring the Influence of Partnership Quality. Towards the Outcome of Global Software Development Projects. International Review on Computers and Software, 7, pp. 2160-2172.
Tigre, P.; Marques, F. (2008). La industria del software en Brasil: un mercado interno fuerte puede promover las exportaciones? Comercio Exterior – Revista de Análisis Económico y Social, v. 58, n. 5, pp. 350-366.
Tigre, P.; Maeques, F. (2009). Aspectos económicos del software y consecuencias para América Latina. CEPAL/Mayol Ediciones.
Tschang, T. & Xue, L. (2005). The Chinese software industry. En: Arora, A. & Gambardella, A. From underdogs to tigers: The rise and growth of the software industry in Brazil, China, India, Ireland and Israel. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 131-167.
Vang, J & Chaminade, C. (2007). Learning from the Bangalore Experience: The Role of Universities in an Emerging Regional Innovation System. Centre for Innovation, Research and Competence in the Learning Economy (CIRCLE), Lund University.
Vang, J., & Chaminade, C. (2006). Building RIS in Developing Countries: Policy Lessons from Bangalore, India. Centre for Innovation, Research and Competence in the Learning Economy (CIRCLE) Lund University.
Vicens, L. y Grullón, S. (2011). Innovación y emprendimiento: Un modelo basado en el desarrollo del emprendedor. V Foro de Competitividad de las Américas. http:// start.iminent.com/StartWeb/3082/ homepage/#q=Vicens, L. y Grullón, S. (2011). Innovación y emprendimiento: Un modelo basado en el desarrollo del emprendedor&s=web&p=1
Wan, J.; Zhang, H.; Wan, X.; Luo, W. (2011). The Business Ecosystem of the Chinese Software Industry. iBusiness, 3. pp. 123-129.
Wickham, J. & Vecchi, A. (2008). Local Firms and Global Reach: Business Air Travel and the Irish Software Cluster. School of Social Sciences and Philosophy, Trinity College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland, Institute for International Integration Studies, Trinity College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland.
Williamson, O. (1989). Las Instituciones Económicas del Capitalismo. Fondo de Cultura Económica. p. 435.
Zhao, W.; Watanabe, C. Griffy-Brown, C. (2009). Competitive advantage in an industry cluster : the case of Dalian software park in China. Techonology in society, 31, pp. 139-149.
Cómo citar
Factores críticos en la industria del software. (2016). Criterio Libre, 14(24), 169-198. https://doi.org/10.18041/1900-0642/criteriolibre.2016v14n24.87