Organizational Culture and Manager's Gender in SMEs in Cali-Colombia
Organizational culture, Gender, SMEs, Main componentsAbstract
This paper studies the relationship between Organizational Culture and the gender of the manager of small and medium-sized companies in the city of Cali (Colombia). A survey was made to 364 managers of companies from different economic sectors. Following the Cameron-Quinn method, indexes of the types of Organizational Culture are elaborated: Clan, Adhocratic, Market and Hierarchical. In addition, indexes are elaborated based on the principal components method as an alternative way of elaborating the indexes of culture types. A regression analysis is performed between the obtained indexes and the gender of the manager, controlling for various characteristics of the companies. It was found that companies managed by women tend to agree less with the practices and values of the Hierarchical Culture than companies managed by men. For the other 3 types of Organizational Culture, no significant differences were found between male- and female-led companies.
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